Air Conditioning has a huge potential for energy efficiency improvements!
Air conditioning is one of the largest energy consumers in the residential and industrial sector. Thousands of air conditioners put high demands on our electricity networks. On a smaller scale, air conditioning probably accounts for a significant part of your own personal energy bill.
Many existing air conditioners use old and quite inefficient technology. Although improved technology has become available in more expensive systems (e.g. inverter technology), the payback time of these systems is still very long and most of this technology is not suitable as an easy and economical aftermarket fit to existing systems.
In the light of today's energy problems, global warming and since older and not so advanced aircon systems will be in use for many more years in large numbers, we have analyzed various existing energy saving techniques for air conditioning systems and reviewed plenty of earlier research. The conclusion was that detecting the system's efficiency and switching the compressor accordingly is probably the only effective, pragmatic and economical measure to achieve a better energy efficiency. There is no "free lunch" with any retrofit, but these savings come at no or only very small decreases in cooling comfort.
Should I purchase a new Air Conditioner? No....Upgrade your current A/C system and start saving today! Instead of investing a lot of money into an expensive new system, there is an easy and affordable way to improve the energy efficiency of your existing unit: